Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hello again from Ankara,

This day was just great! I seriously believe that after today, there  might be very little about Turkey's political and economic issues that we don't know. The day lstarted with  a visit/tour of the Ataturk's Mausoleuml, followed by a lecture on Turkey's relations with the EU at the Ministry of European Union Affairs. Next came a visit and a guided tour of Turkey's Parliment ( our guide by the way was a public official in the Parliment). That was followed by a meeting with the Mayor or Kaisriya. Then off to another lecture on Turkey's foreign policy at the Ministry of  Foreign Affairs. In addition to one final lecture on Turkey 's political system and structure of government. If that was not enough, after a quick rest at our hotel, we were off to have dinner with the principle of a private high school to get an idea, as well as a tour of the secondary school system in Turkey.

That was one packed day full of valuable information and first hand experience. It really felt great, especially during the time we were actually inside Turkey's Grand Assembly ( equivalent to being inside the US Congress ( house of reprentatives). Everyone was just unbelievably excited and glad to be there. We are all learning so much about this wonderful country and are truly humbled by the welcoming attitude and graciousness of its people especially when they find out we are not only from the US but also represent a higher education institution ( students and faculty).

Despite the hectic schedule, some of our group still had some energy left to go out and explore Ankara by night. As for me  and a few other members, we decided to go back to the hotel to get some rest as we will be traveling early in the morning to our third city on this trip... The beautiful Izmir.

Time to put away the iPad and go to bed!

Dr. Sherbini

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely past few days! It must be truly interesting to get information without the bias of media or the influence of political propaganda! Depending on with whom one's sympathies lie certainly colours the information being received - a firsthand account of politics and education is such a treat!
    I'm glad you are all safe and having what sounds like a memorable and truly unique experience!
    PS - not only do you have to watch my mother in little shops such as the photo fun, but keep her away from ornate rugs - one may just fly off with her sitting upon it! :-)
    Best wishes for a great day abroad! (it's in the 40's in Chicago, bring our summer back along with the goodies when you return from Turkey!)
